

When I was a child I remember watching a movie about a boy who lived his entire life inside a bubble.  I think the main character was played by John Travolta. It was a drama, because the thing this boy wanted the most was to leave his sterilized space, so he could interact with other people. He wanted to touch and to be touched by others. However, I have this belief that bubbles are not that bad. In fact, the only way to keep things going sometimes is to create one around us, live inside a limited perimeter, isolate ourselves from others, and I just remembered a song, that has been happening to me very often these days, a song by REM, I´ve read it was elected the saddest song ever written, and I think is unfair, Everybody Hurts, a song about resilience. Anyway, it is a fact: everybody hurts, but we can read this in two different ways, right? We can get hurt and we can hurt somebody. And we usually get hurt by somebody´s actions or words, even unintentionally. But I think the boy from the movie was either too young or too naive to know that.
There are the others and there´s us (and  by us I mean you, and me, as individuals, separate ones. As you may have already noticed, we - you, me - are basically alone and that I´ve got from a song by Andrew Bird ). The others are usually too worried about themselves to notice what´s going on around them. Because that´s the way we are in general, we cannot see the world from a point of view different than ours. As in that expression, as much as we try (and I guess we never bother to try hard enough) we can´t walk in other person´s shoes.  So, in a way, we´re all inside bubbles pretending we´re not, minding our own businesses.

But another characteristic we humans share is this unexplicable faith in the future, a place we never get to really know. And then we keep on holding on, as Michael Stipe tells us to do, hoping for the day we won´t feel hurt anymore.


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