
In a Blink of an eye

I´ve finished reading Watchmen recently, what a great and positive surprise. I had no idea it was that good, so good that I can´t really say for sure which is my favorite character, but there´s one in particular I´ve felt somehow connected with and that was Dr. Manhattan.

The guy has been through a lot. Being desintegrated during a nuclear accident is not something easy, but  he gets to pull himself together somehow. He becomes a different type of being with superpowers such as teletransportation. He can teletransport himself and others to pretty much wherever he wants to. He gets well fine, but the same cannot be said to ordinary human beings; some can experience minor side effects, such as vomits, and others can go through major ones, such as massive heart attacks.
What I thought it was really cool was his understanding of time. To him, there´s no past, present and future, everything is happening simultaneously, and nothing really ends. If I knew that would be possible, I would agree on submitting myself to nuclear experiences.
My time is short, always in a hurry, always late. I´ve heard during a lecture this week that time really flies when we live in cities, people walk faster, talk faster, do everything faster in cities. I´m not sure, but I would guess the speed is directed related with the size of the city, so I´m almost happy I live in a reasonable sized town and not in Sao Paulo, Tokio or New York. I mean, I would desintegrate with the effort of keeping up with the life speed in places like that.
I blinked and it was March, I had the whole year in front of me. I blinked again and it is August. When I blink the next time, the year would be over. I wish I could be teletransported to somewhere else.
Time´s up. Gotta go.